Saturday, 31 December 2016

New Year 2017

As another glorious year draws to an end, 
I reminisce the year passed by...

Some wonderful people came in to my life,
Some ceased being part of it.

Some brought joy & love,
Some gave pain & sorrow.

Some unexpected divine moments,
Some turbulent lows.

I was useful to some,
While Some used me.

Let the bygone days,
Remain bygone ones.
For we know not,
there wud be another day.

Just as we tear off the page,
in a date sheet,
Let's wipe off the past,
from the memory sheet.

Before the New Year draws in,
Let's forgive those who hurt us,
But forget not their deeds,
To evolve stronger than before.

Usher in the New year,
With a bright little smile.
Cleanse our heart,
Purify our mind.

Let's strive to help the needy,
Let's vow to save the Mother Earth.

Let's strive not to hurt a soul,
Let's pledge to remain humble.

Let's pledge to make a change,
Let's vow to be humane.

For, the world is a beautiful stage,
step in to the New Year with a beautiful change.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Golden Jubilee Anniversary- Amma & Appa

The bestest parents one could ever get. In my whole 40 years, I have never ever seen my parents argue, shout at each other or quarrel.

My Dad has been the epitome of virtuousness. He has never scolded us using foul language or swear words, not even uttered the word 'Chi'. But still managed to bring both me & my brother in a strict & uptight manner. A straight forward person who hates the word 'Please'. ;-)

My  Mom is epitome of selflessness & a lady who never desires anything for herself - no lust for jewels, clothes or anything. And a 24 hr Annapoorani.

Both have been a living example. Whatever little I have achieved today is all bcos of them.

Love you heaps Mom & Dad, I can never thank you enough for making me & Balaji what we are today. Saluting you today & everyday. Happy Golden Jubilee Anniversary !!!! ЁЯМ╣ЁЯМ╣ЁЯМ╣ЁЯМ╣ЁЯОЙЁЯОЙЁЯОЙЁЯОВЁЯОВЁЯОВЁЯОИЁЯОИЁЯОИ

Sunday, 4 December 2016

ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропிрой் роЪுроХрооாрой рокொроХ்роХிро╖роЩ்роХро│்

роЗро░ро╡ு роиேро░роо், рооொроЯ்роЯை рооாроЯி,
родுройைропாроХ роиிро▓ро╡ிрой் роТро│ி
рооெро▓்ро▓ிроп рокூроЩ்роХாро▒்ро▒ு,
роЕродு роЪுроорои்родு ро╡ро░ுроо்
рооாро▓ைропிро▓் рокூрод்род
роиிрод்родிроп рооро▓்ро▓ிропிрой் ро╡ாроЪроо்
роЬிро▓் роОрой்ро▒ родро▒ைропிро▓்
рооро▓்ро▓ாрои்родு рокроЯுрод்родрокроЯி
ро╡ிро┤ிроХро│் ро╡ிрог்рогை роиோроХ்роХ
роЪெро╡ிроХ்роХுро│்ро│ோ роородுро░рооாроп்
ро░ாроЬாро╡ிрой் ро░роо்рооிропрооாрой роЗрой்ройிроЪை - роЖро╣ா
роОрой்рой роТро░ு роЪுроХроо்
рокрогроо் роЪроо்рокாродிроХ்роХுроо்
роЗрои்род роЕро╡роЪро░ ропுроХрод்родிро▓்
роиாроо் родொро▓ைрод்род рокொроХ்роХிро╖роЩ்роХро│ிро▓்
роЗро╡ைроХро│ுроо் роЪிро▓  

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Sholingar Darshan

Feeling Spellbound after the Ekanthamana Sevai of Lord Narasimha at Sholingur as I was completely unaware of the Lifetime Darshan Lord was about to bestow on this minion. I knew we would be having a special Darshan since my husband's friend is a well respected person in the temple circles but never ever expected this kind of kindness.

"ugram viram maha-vishnum
jvalantam sarvato mukham
nrisimham bhishanam bhadram
mrityur mrityum namamy aham"

We had suddenly received an invite from my Husband's friend to join him on the trip to Sholingur. As It's been about 12-13 years since our last visit, we felt the Lord himself was sending the invite through him. so decided not to miss this opportunity.

As you must be aware, At Sholingur, the prime deity, Lord Yoga Narasimha, is in a mediation stage & opens his eyes during the month of Karthigai to bestow Blessings upon the disciples. More so, The Sundays of Karthigai Maasam is very auspicious to have darshan of Lord Narasimha & hence usually very crowded on that day. This particular Sunday (27.11.2016) was all the more special bcos it was also Swathi (star of Lord Narasimha) & expectedly there was a surge in the rush.

But Lord had his own plans for us, thanks to my husband's friend.

Around 10 of us started from Chennai close to 3 pm & after a drive of about 2 hrs, reached Sholingur by 5 pm. We could see that crowd was heavy so decided to ascend the hills after taking the Darshan of Utsavar at the foothills, where we had a wonderful Darshan.

When we started climbing the steps (1305 steps) about 6pm, we noticed hundreds of people returning back. By the time we reached temple premise at 6:40, it was still crowded. Like Tirupathi , during Karthigai masam, here too it is kind of "Jarugandi jarugandi" darshan only. We were asked to wait for sometime & so sat down inside the sanctorum of the Sannidhi.

After the last rush of people cleared, we were invited inside Sanctum to have a Darshan from close quarters. It was just us 10 people & the Lord. Except the temple priests & workers, no other public was there. Ekanthama, we had a blissful darshan till our heart-fill.

The Lord Narasimha of Sholingur is a huge diety & fills our heart with complete peace. We came out after performing Archana & were waiting outside to be served with Panagham which our friend had requested as his Ubayam. The temple priests were performing for the closing pooja & after that we again received a call to have a darshan one last time before it was locked.

So we went inside once again  to have a peaceful darshan of the Lord. And, I completely went into a Trance.  We started the descent by about 9 pm & reached home @11:45 pm with a contended heart.

About the Temple :

Sholinghur or CholaSimhapuram is anciently known as Thirukadigai. It is one of the Divya Desam & both ThirumangaiAlvar & Peyalwar have sung pasurams on the diety. The name of this place is also Kadighachalam as known from ancient legend. The name Kadigachalam came as the Lord gave darsan to the Saptharishi to a kadigai time (a second) and gave mukthi. He also gave darsan to Prahalatha by changing his figure of Terror and in the yoga stage.

* Both in Periya and Chinna malai, the Perumal - Sri Yoga Narasimhar and  Sri Yoga Anjaneyar are found in Yoga Stage.
* The Big Mountain (Periyamalai) is about 400 feet high where Moolavar - Sri Yoga Narasimar is found in Irundha (sitting) kolam facing his thirumugham towards East direction.
* The Small Mountain (Chinna Malai) is about 200 feet where lord Anjaneya is found in sitting position found along with Sangu and Chakkaram in west facing direction. Here, Sriman Narayanan in the form of Sri Narasimhar gave His dharshan to Anjaneyar. Aanjaneyar is considered to be the resemblence (or) Avathaar of Shiva, but here He is resembling the avathar of Sri Vishnu.

Lord Anjeneya who is in the yoga stage helped Indrathymna Maharaja in killing the Arakkan Nikumban and saved his country. It was held on Sunday and hence evey Sunday is an important one for Siriya Thiruvadi.

In Karthigai sundays people pray Lord after taking bath in the Chakkra Theertham and by lying down on its steps. People belive that Lord come and fulfill the wishes of the devotees in their dreams.

 The Brahma theertham well, which is full of mineral water gives cure for many diseases. The water is tested by King Institute and certified as a mineral water which is good for health.

Friday, 5 August 2016

роЗрооைроп рооро▓ைропுроо்...родீро░ா роХாродро▓ுроо் !!! (Part-I)

 "1994 - A Love Story" 

Pleasant Climate outside and it takes me back by 22 years. August рооாродроо் ро╡рои்родாро▓ே рооройроо் рокிрой் роиோроХ்роХி рокாроп родொроЯроЩ்роХி ро╡ிроЯுроо், ро░ாроЬாро╡ிрой் (роЗро│ைропро░ாроЬா-ро╡ிрой்) ро╡ропро▓ிрой் /роХிроЯாро░்-роЗрой் роЗрой்ройிроЪைроХро│ுроЯрой்..!! :-) :-) 

1994-August рооாродроо்,  роЕро░ி, роЕро░рог், рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХроЩ்роХைропிрой் рокிро▒рок்рокிроЯроо் роиோроХ்роХி роЗроороп рооро▓ைрод் родொроЯро░ிро▓் рок்ро░ропாрогроо். рооெро▓்ро▓ிроп роЪாро░ро▓், роЕро┤роХுроо், роЖрокрод்родுроо் роиிро▒ைрои்род рооро▓ைрок்рокாродை.  роТро░ு рокுро▒роо் роироо் роХро░்ро╡род்родை роЙроЯைроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிродрооாроп் роУроЩ்роХி роТроп்ропாро░рооாроп் роЙропро░்рои்родு роиிро▒்роХ்роХுроо் рооро▓ை родொроЯро░்роХро│். рооро▒்ро▒ொро░ு  рокுро▒рооோ  -  "роУроУ" роОрой்ро▒ு роЗро░ைроЪ்роЪро▓ுроЯрой் роХро░்ро╡рооாроп் роХроЯ்роЯுроХ்роХு роЕроЯроЩ்роХாрооро▓் роЪீро▒ி рокாропுроо் "роорои்родாроХிройி - рокாроХிро░родி". роЗрои்род роЕро┤роХிро▓் рооропроЩ்роХி роиாрой் рок்ро░роо்рооிрод்родு роиிро▒்роХ, рооேро▓ுроо் роОрой்ройை роХிро▒роЩ்роХ ро╡ைроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிродрооாроп் роиாроЩ்роХро│் рок்ро░ропாрогроо் роЪெроп்ропுроо் рокро╕்ро╕ிро▓் роиாрой் роХுроЯுрод்род casette-роЗро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு PANKAJ UDHAS-роЗрой் роЪொроХ்роХ ро╡ைроХ்роХுроо் роХроЬро▓் - "Saawan ke suhane Mausam Mein..."  роОрой்ро▒ு рокாроЯ родுро╡роЩ்роХுроХிрой்ро▒родு. Perfect with the Trip & Mood..ройு роЪொро▓்ро▓ுро╡ாро│ே роЕрои்род рооாродிро░ி...!!!  "роЪொро░்роХроо் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роЗродு родாройோ ??!!" роОрой்ро▒ு роОрог்рог родோрогுроХிро▒родு. 

роЗродு родாрой் роЕрок்рокோродு 18 ро╡ропродே роЖроХி роЗро░ுрои்род роОройроХ்роХு роЗроороп рооро▓ைропிрой் рооேро▓் родீро░ா роХாродро▓் ро╡ро░ роХாро░рогрооாроп் роЗро░ுрои்род рооுродро▓் рокропрогроо். 

роЗродро▒்роХ்роХு рокிрой் рокро▓ рооுро▒ை, рокро▓் ро╡ேро▒ு рооாроиிро▓род்родிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு (Kashmir, Himachal, Nepal, Garhwal, Kumaon, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya) роПрой் роЪீрой роОро▓்ро▓ை ро╡ро░ை роЪெрой்ро▒ு, рокро▓் ро╡ேро░ு ро╡ிродрооாрой роХோрогрод்родிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЗро╡ро│ிрой் роЕро┤роХை ро░роЪிрод்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓ுроо், Garhwal рокроХுродிропிро▓் роЗро╡ро│ிрой் роЕро┤роХோ родройி роЕро┤роХு. роЕрои்род роЕро┤роХை роХாрог роХோроЯி роХрог்роХро│் ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо். роЗродை роХрог்роЯ рооாрод்родிро░род்родிро▓் роОрой் рооройроо் роиெроХிро┤்роЪ்роЪிропிро▓் "роОрой்рой родро╡роо் роЪெроп்родройை" роОрой்ро▒ு рокாроЯ родுро╡роЩ்роХ..роЕрок்рокрок்рокா роЗрои்род роЪுроХாройுрокро╡род்родை ро╡ாро░்род்родைроХро│ாро▓் роЪொро▓்ро▓ி рокுро░ிроп ро╡ைроХ்роХ роЗропро▓ாродு, рокாро░்род்родு роЕройுрокро╡ிрод்родாро▓் родாрой் рокுро░ிропுроо். роЖроЩ்роХிро▓род்родிро▓் роТро░ே ро╡ாро░்род்родைропிро▓் роЪொро▓்ро▓ройுроо்  роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் - "Euphoric..!!!"  
One needs to experience its magnificence to understand my Euphoria. And if once will be cherished for a long long time...may be for lifetime...

роЗро░рог்роЯு роиாроЯ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рокிрой் роТро░ு роиீрог்роЯ роиெроЯுроо் рок்ро░ாропрогрод்родிро▒்роХு роЕрок்рокро▒роо் роХேродாро░்роиாрод்родிрой் рокேро╕் роХாроо்рок் рокроХுродி роЖрой роХௌро░ிроХுрог்роЯ் роЪெрой்ро▒роЯைрои்родோроо். (рок்ро░ропாрогрод்родிро▓் роПро▒்рокроЯ்роЯ роЕройுрокро╡роЩ்роХро│், роХேродாро░், рокрод்ро░ீ, роХроЩ்роХோрод்ро░ி рокро▒்ро▒ி роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЗройி ро╡ро░ рокோроХுроо் роОрой் роЕроЯுрод்род рокроХுродிроХро│ிро▓் ро╡ிро╡ро░ிроХ்роХிро▒ேрой் - роЗрои்род рокродிро╡ு роОрой் роХாродро▓ை ;-) рокро▒்ро▒ிропродு роороЯ்роЯுрооே )

роЗроороп рооро▓ைропிрой் рооீродு рокாродроо் рокроЯ்роЯ роЙроЯрой் роОройроХ்роХே родெро░ிропாрооро▓் роОрой் роЙроЯро▓ிро▓் роТро░ு родройி рокுрод்родுрогро░்роЪ்роЪி. роТро░ு роЗройроо் рокுро░ிропா роиெроХிро┤்ро╡ு. роЕрой்ройைропிрой் роЕро░ро╡рогைрок்рокிро▓், роЕро╡ро│ிрой் роороЯிропிро▓், роХிроЯைроХ்роХுроо் роЪுроХроо் рокோро▓், роТро░ு родройி ро╡ро░ுроЯро▓ுроЯрой் роЗродрооாрой роЪுроХроо்.  рооройроо் роЗро▓роХுро╡ாроХி роХுродூроХро▓род்родுроЯрой் роЪிро▒роХроЯிрод்родு рокро▒роХ்роХ роЕро░роо்рокிрод்родு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯродு. рооройродிро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЪோроХроЩ்роХро│், роХро╖்роЯроЩ்роХро│் роЕройைрод்родுроо் рооро▒рои்родு рокோропிрой [18-роП ро╡ропродு роЖрой рокெрог்рогிро▒்роХு роОрой்рой роЪோроХроо், роХро╖்роЯроо் роОроЩ்роХро▒ீроЩ்роХро│ா ?? роОро╡்ро╡ро│ро╡ோ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроЩ்роХ :P ].  роЗродு родாрой் роЗро╡ро│ிрой் родройிрод்родுро╡роо், роЗро▓்ро▓ை роЗро▓்ро▓ை, ро░роХроЪிропроо் роХூроЯ. роЗрои்род рокропрогрод்родிрой் рокோродு роиிро▒ைроп роЖрокрод்родாрой рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокродроЯ்роЯрооாрой родро░ுрогроЩ்роХро│ை  роЪрои்родிроХ்роХ роиேро▒ிро▒்ро▒ு роЗро░ுрои்родுроо் роЕро╡ை роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் родுро│ி роХூроЯ роОрой் роЙрогро░்ро╡ை рооாро▒்ро▒ ро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை рооாро▒ாроХ роОрой் роХாродро▓ை рокрой் роороЯроЩ்роХு роХூроЯ்роЯிропродே родро╡ிро░ роЗроо்рооிропுроо் роХுро▒ைропро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை.

роЗрой்ро▒ு рокிрой் роиோроХ்роХி рокாро░்роХ்роХைропிро▓், роЕрои்род рокропрогрод்родிро▓் родாрой் ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропை рокро▒்ро▒ிрой роОрой் роХрог்рогோроЯ்роЯроо் рооாро▒ роЖро░роо்рокிрод்родிро▒்роХாрой ро╡ிродை ро╡ிродைроХ்роХ рокроЯ்роЯродோ роОрой்ро▒ு роиிройைроХ்роХ родோрогுроХிро▒родு. роТрой்ройு роороЯ்роЯுроо் роиிроЪ்роЪропроо்роЩ்роХ - роЗропро▒்роХ்роХைропிрой் роЕро┤роХை ро░роЪிрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு , роЖро░ாродிрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роороЯ்роЯுроо் родாрой் роЗродை роЙрогро░ рооுроЯிропுроо். роЗрои்род рок்ро░ропாрогрод்родிрой் рокோродு роОроЩ்роХро│ோроЯு 100 рокேро░் рокропрогிрод்родாро░்роХро│். роОро▓்ро▓ோро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЗрои்род рокிро░роо்рооிрок்рокு роПро▒்рокроЯ்роЯродா, роЗрои்род роЕройுрокро╡род்родை роЙрогро░்ро╡ுрокூро░்рогрооாроп் роЙрогро░்рои்родாро░்роХро│ா роОрой்ро▒ு роХேроЯ்роЯாро▓் роЗро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்ро▒ு родைро░ிропрооாроп் роЪொро▓்ро╡ேрой். роПройெрой்ро▒ாро▓் роЕродை роХрог்рогெродிро░ே рокாро░்род்родேрой். роЗрок்рокроЯி роЪொро▓்ро╡родை родிрооிро░் роОрой்ро▒ு роОроЯுрод்родு роХொро│்ро│ாродீро░்роХро│். роЗродு родிрооிро░ாро▓் ро╡ро░ுроо் ро╡ாро░்род்родைроХро│் роЕро▓்ро▓, роПроХ்роХрод்родாро▓் ро╡ро░ுроо் роХோрокрод்родாро▓் ро╡ро░ுрокро╡ை. 

роЕродு ро╡ро░ைропிро▓் рооிроХро╡ுроо் ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯ்роЯுрод்родройрооா роЗро░ுрои்род роОройроХ்роХுро│் роЕрои்род рокропрогроо் роТро░ு роЪிро▒ு роЪро▓ройрод்родை / рооாро▒்ро▒род்родை роЙрог்роЯாроХ்роХ родுро╡роЩ்роХிропродு. роХро░்ро╡роЩ்роХро│் роХுро▒ைроп родொроЯроЩ்роХிрой. роЗропро▒்роХ்роХைропிрой் рооுрой் роиாроо் ро╡ெро▒ுроо் роЕро▒்рокро░்роХро│் роОрой்ро▒ роЙрог்рооை рокுро░ிроп роЖро░роо்рокிрод்род родро░ுрогроо் роЕродுро╡ே. роЗродройாро▓் родாрой் роЪிрод்родро░்роХро│ுроо், роЮாройிроХро│ுроо், роЕройைрод்родுроо் родுро▒рои்родு роЗро╡ро│ிрой் роЕро░ро╡рогைрок்рокிро▓் родроЮ்роЪроо் рокுроХிро░்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│ோ ???!!! :-) 

роЗродро▒்роХ்роХு рокிрой் рооீрог்роЯுроо் 2001-роо் роЖрог்роЯு роОрой் 4 рооாрод роХை роХுро┤рои்родைропுроЯрой் роЗрооропрооро▓ைропிрой் (Garhwal) роЕро░ро╡рогைрок்рокிро▓் роЗро│ைрок்рокாро░ ро╡ாроп்рок்рокு роХிроЯ்роЯ, роЕродு роЕро╡ро│் роПро▒்рокроЯுрод்родிроп родாроХ்роХрод்родை рооேро▓ுроо் рооேро▓ுроо் родாрой் роЕродிроХро░ிрод்родродு. 4 рооாрод роХை роХுро┤рои்родைропுроЯрой் роЗрооропрооро▓ை ропாрод்родிро░ை рокோроХ рокோроХிро▒ேрой் роОрой்ро▒ு родெро░ிрои்родро╡ுроЯрой் рокро▓ рокேро░் роОрой்ройை родிроЯ்роЯிройாро░்роХро│், роЙройроХ்роХு рокிрод்родா роОрой்ро▒ு роХூроЯ роХேроЯ்роЯாро░்роХро│்..!! роЖроо் рокிрод்родு родாрой்...роЗрооропрод்родிрой் рооேро▓் роЙро│்ро│ рокிрод்родு роОрой்ро▒ேрой். роиாрой் роХрог்роЯ роЕрои்род роХрог் роХொро│்ро│ா роХாроЯ்роЪி, роиாрой் рокெро▒்ро▒ роЕрои்род роЕройுрокро╡роо் роЗрои்род роЪிро▒ு ро╡ропродு рооுродро▓ே роХрог்роЯாро▓் родாрой் роОрой் рокெрог்рогுроо் роЗродே роХாродро▓ுроЯрой் ро╡ро│ро░ுро╡ாро│் роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொро▓்ро▓ி роЕро╡ро│ை родூроХ்роХி роХொрог்роЯு роЪெрой்ро▒ேрой் - роОрой் роХрогро╡ро░், роОрой் рооாрооிропாро░ிрой் роЙро▒ுродுрогைропுроЯрой். :-) 

роЗрой்ро▒ுроо் ропாро░ро╡родு роиாрой் рокрод்ро░ி-роХேродாро░் ропாрод்родிро░ை рокோроХிро▒ேрой் роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொрой்ройாро▓் роОрой் рооройроо் рооீрог்роЯுроо் роЕро╡ро│ிрой் роороЯிропிро▓் родுро│்ро│ி ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯ рокро░ிродро╡ிроХ்роХ роЖро░роо்рокிрод்родு ро╡ிроЯுроо். роЕро╡்ро╡ро│ро╡ு роХாродро▓்....!!! :-) ;-)

роЗройி ро╡ро░ுроо் роиாроЯ்роХро│ிро▓், роОрой் рок்ро░ропாрог (роХாродро▓்) роЕройுрокро╡роЩ்роХро│ை роЗрои்род рокроХ்роХрод்родிрой் рооூро▓роо் родроЩ்роХро│ுроЯрой் рокроХிро░்рои்родு роХொро│்ро│ роЙрод்родேроЪிрод்родுро│்ро│ேрой்...рокроЯிрод்родு роороХிро┤ро╡ுроо்.

Love story continues...22 ро╡ро░ுроЯроЩ்роХро│ாроп் родொроЯро░ுроо்/ро╡ро│ро░ுроо்  роХாродро▓் роХродை ....and My Expeditions would continue too........ chow 

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Kabali- movie review

Going by the reviews of Twitteratis & some hard core Rajini fans who watched the Film on First day, when I went to watch, I thought Kabali Daaa...Neruppu Daaa...!!! gonna be like Thala Vali Daaa....Veruppu daaa. seeing the hype & Frenzy, I was already kind of irked & was feeling Koduma Daaa...Thangala Daaa...Thamizhanukku vandha Kashta galam daaaa (the people were going frenzy not even realising that they were being exploited for the sake of publicity mmmm...anyways...)ЁЯШЬЁЯШЬЁЯШЬ

But then, the movie was a pleasant surprise. For once, I was engrossed & really liked the film. I have always opined that the film/character shud be the hero & the hero of the film shudnt overcast the film/character as such. This is one such movie.

I have never been a fan of Rajinikanth (RK) in the demigod/ larger than life portrayals that we see in his present day formula movies. I have only liked his films from the yester years (late 70's & early 80's) - the realistic roles he did with KB & the great Director Mahendran. It brought out the true actor in him.

This Kabali too is kinda the same - Rajini reminded me of his Mullum Malarum days.   The Rajini I grew up with. No repetitive punch dialogues but for the sole 'Kabali Daa' frenzy opening song, or dance sequence, no gimmicks/fancy stunts, no silly comedy tracks. RK has carried it off so well. Stylish (as always) with Panache (minus the hype that usually surrounds him). Ranjith known for his realistic touch has superbly carried along RK too & with ease. No wonder, the film institute/KB/Mahendran product was so happy with his new age director (it is said he hugged & kissed Ranjith after watching the preview) ЁЯШЙЁЯША

RK has powerful eyes that emotes so well & was best used by KB & Mahendran. Now, Pa.Ranjith seemed to have well capitalised on that. For most part of the film, Rajini emotes through his eyes only & speaks very little. Especially, The pensiveness in the opening scenes & the restlessness that RK shows when he thinks about the reunion with his wife, is a class apart. RK is known for his fast stylish walks..but here Ranjith has used it as a subtle one & it actually worked. ЁЯСНЁЯСМ

Even Ranjith, who is usually known to play his Rascist/Dalit cards, has used it subtly in this film. Of late, I have been of the opinion that the Kollywood shud do away with song sequences & to my delight Ranjith has picturized the songs as Montages. Slow claps to Ranjith.

Given RK's age & fragile health, the character was apt & even the cameo as younger age Kabali, he seem to have pulled it off well. His poor health has taken a toll on him & is blatantly visible.

Gotta mention that the screenplay could have been handled in a better way. Further, too many unwanted characters in many scenes, plays a spoil sport making the screen over crowded. And, Ranjith hasn't also dwelled deep into the problems of Malaysian Tamils. He seemed to be overpowered with the obsession of the animosity between the two rival teams. But then, I feel given the slow pace of the film, dwelling more in to the past would have made the film seem like a documentary. Though slow paced, it isn't boring.

Santosh Narayanan has proved that you don't always need a Deva or ARR to score a powerful BG for the Superstar. He has done an excellent job creating the exact mood. He cud have handled the reunion scene with a more finesse but then he is no Ilayaraja. ЁЯШЙЁЯШЫЁЯША IMHO, Till date there's None to match Raja's Re-recording.

As expected, being Ranjith's movie, this film has its share of violence but not as violent that we have been a witness to in many of the recent films. Kishore, Dhansika & Radhika Apte have carried off their bit very well. I have read a lot about Radhika Apte's acting skills & was pleased to see it was no hype.

To summarise : Kabali - can be termed A come back for the Actor Rajini of Late 70's & early 80's. For once, he has shed his Superstar tag & has gone back in age. Really nice to see that. I enjoyed. When you step in to the theatre, Don't expect the stereotyped Rajinikanth. Just sit back & Enjoy the real actor/Film institute product that he really is.

I, for one, is not disappointed And definitely it is not just a one time watch. Watchable 2nd time as well & FYI, yours truly will be watching it again on Tuesday even though I am a true Ulaganayagan fan.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Ahobilam Trip

Lord has been very kind to me for the last couple of weeks bestowing unexpected Bulawas to seek his blessings.

It all started during the last week of June with a trip to Tirupathi. We were blessed with some quick & wonderful Darshan cum Divine Vibrations both at Tirumala & Tiruchanur.

Then, unexpectedly I got an opportunity to visit Injimedu on the eve of Samprokshanam & seek blessings of both the Lord & Acharyan. When my husband & I had earlier visited Injimedu in Jan 2016, we were informed that the Samprokshanam was likely to be held in Chithirai masam. I sincerely wanted to attend, but In the preparations leading to my daughter's Arangetram, we forgot to follow it up. And I  was feeling bad that we had completely missed. Little did I know, the Samprokshanam got postponed due to some delay in completion of construction work. But, with the divine intervention & mercy of the Lord, I was bestowed with the opportunity to set foot on the Yagnamedu 'Injimedu' on the eve of Samprokshanam.

And now to add to these beautiful experience, I yet again got an unexpected call & this time to seek blessings of Lord Narasimha at Sri Ahobilam, one of the most venerated Vaishnava Shrine.  Thank you Sujatha Guruvayurappan Manni & Guru Sundara Anna for this wonderful opportunity & memorable trip.

As one must be aware of, it isn't easy to get Bulawa to visit Ahobilam unless the Lord desires so. The trip is arduous & treacherous as one needs to trek deep into the forest (4 temples among the Nine) with virtually no proper road. But with the blessings of the Lord, It was a fantastic trip and we were able to get some wonderful & close darshan of the Lord in all the 9 Shrines that comprises Ahobilam.

We covered 7 Temples (Jwala, Varaha (Kroda), Malola, Ahobila, Karanja, Chatravata & Yogananda) and the Prahlada Varadan Temple on the first day  & reserved the most difficult one (ie) Pavana Narasimha & the Bhargava Narasimha for the second day.

I had earlier visited Ahobilam about 10 yrs back but at the time the archakas weren't available in most of the Sannidhis but this time we were able to see the lord leisurely at close quarters & also perform Archana  in all the temples.

Few facts about Sri Ahobilam :

Ahobilam is one among the 108 Divyadesams of Sri Vaishnavism. It is the place where Lord Vishnu taking the avatar of Narasimha (Nar+Simha = Man+lion)  killed Hiranyakasipu and saved his Prime devotee Bhaktha Prahalada. Goddess Mahalakshmi took avathar as Senjulakshmi among the Senju, tribal hunters of the hills, and married the Lord.

It is located in Karnool district of Andhra Pradesh in the Nallamalai hills of the eastern ghats, about 400 KM northwest of Chennai, 112 kms from Kadappa & 65 kms from Nandyal District, Andhra Pradesh.

The temple consists of nine shrines to Lord Nrisimha. In addition to the nine shrines, there is a temple for Prahaladavarada Varadhan in the foothills of the mountain. Due to security reasons and the difficulty in performing daily worship, many of the utsava vigrahas of the nine shrines are kept in this temple.

Sri Ahobila Muth, one of the most important Sri Vaishnava religious institutions in India, was established by Sri Athivan Satakopan at the instructions of Lord Lakshmi Nrisimha of Ahobilam. In fact, the utsava moorthy of the Malola Nrisimha temple, one of the nine shrines of Ahobilam, is the presiding deity of Sri Ahobila Mutham. Sri Malolan accompanies Srimad Azhagiya Singar, the spiritual and titular head of Sri Ahobila Mutham, on his travels.

Garuda wished for a vision of Lord Nrisimha in the form of the Avathara. To fulfill his wish, the Lord settled in the hills around Ahobilam in the midst of dense forests in nine different forms. For this reason this hill came to be known as Garudadri, Garudachalam, and Garudasailam.

The Nine Narasimhasthalas are :- 1. Jwala Narasimha 2. Ahobila Narasimha 3. Malola Narasimha 4. Kroda Narasimha 5. Karanja Narasimha 6. Bhargava Narasimha 7. Yogananda Narasimha 8. Kshatravata Narasimha and 9. Pavana or holy Narasimha.

Sri Thirumangai Azhvaar has sung ten verses about this temple in Periya Thirumozhi. Thirumangai Azhwar describes the place as very hard to visit (sendru kandarkku ariya kovil, kavvu naayum kazhugum, deivamallal sella vonna), and that Singavel Kunram (Ahobilam) was accessible to none but Gods. But due to the efforts of the 45th Azhagiyasingar, this place has transformed into "sendru kaandarku eliya (easy) kovil. Now Many devotees visit ahobilam frequently and the place is well connected with a guest house and access to trains from Chennai, Bangalore and Bombay. In addition, several tourist operators also frequently arrange religious trips to Ahobilam from major cities.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Injimedu, Kodanagar - Ecstatic Visit

Little did I know that Lord would bestow us with such a blessed day, when i started on a trip to our native, Kodanagar, Cheyyar with my parents on Sunday.  We had set on trip to visit our ancestral village to extend our support for the renovation work of our village temple which was recently damaged due to thunder strike.But there was a divine intervention & We were in for a sweet surprise.

Upon arriving @Kodanagar, we came to know from our neighbor that the Maha Samprokshanam of Injimedu Temple (my Husband's ancestral place) was to take place the next day (11.07.2016) & that His Holiness the 46th Azhagiyasingar has taken abode at Injimedu. Immediately we decided to take a detour & visit Injimedu. We were doubtful if the temple would be open as it was almost Noon & Injimedu being a remote village about 25 kms away from our Native. But then, we decided we make an attempt & to atleast see the yagasala if the temple was closed.

But to our pleasant surprise, Injimedu was brimming with activity when reached there around 1:30 pm. Not only we were bestowed with a lovely darshan of the prime deity & Thirumanjanam, but we were also able to meet privately His Holiness the 46th Srimad Azhagiya Singar of Sri Ahobila Mutt & get his Blessings. Incidentally we also had a spare set of Saree& Dhoti, Coconuts (mother had taken them for our native deity) which we were able to place at the Lotus Feet of the Lord of Injimedu temple.

When we had set out on our trip yday Morng, Injimedu wasn't even was on Itinerary. But with the divine Intervention, We could seek the blessings of the Lord & the Acharyan on such an auspicious occasion.

I would like to enlighten the readers about the History of Injimedu. Do read below :

Injimedu – Yagnamedu Injimedu which as known as "Yagnamedu", as the days progressed, this sthalam is called as "Injimedu". This sthalam is also called as "Yagna vedhikai", as lots of yagnams (Yagams / Homams) are performed in this sthalam for the world peace and for human community.
Sri Yagna Samrakshana Ramar: The Ramar, Lakshmana, Seetha,  Garuder and Hanumar were sculpted 2000 years back.  Then the purvikaas of this village, now known as Madabhushi Bharadwaja Gotras performed many yaagar round the year 365 days continuously.

 In that process Sri Ramar along with Lakshmanar Seetha, Garuder and Hanumar appeared in the sky and blessed the villages who were conducting the yagnam, that he will stay in this village for the Yagna Samrakshanam. From then the Ramar was known as “Yagna Samrakshana Kalyana Ramar”. To symbolize this the Bow top head is molded with “Narasimhar’s face” (Lion face).  This is unique in India, no where else the Sri Ramar and Lakshman’s bow top head is with “Lion’s face”. The Hanumar here is famous for solving the marriage problems,  Puthra Bhagyam, etc.

Srimath Aadhivan Sadagopan Yatheendra Mahaadesikan and Injimedu: Srimath Ahobila mutt was started by Srimath Aadhivan Sadagopa yateendra mahaadesikan swamy, who was born almost 630 years back, has came forward in constructing lots of temples. In this aacharya parampara, Sri Sashta Parankusha yateendra mahaadesikan swamy, who was the sixth Azhagiyasingar  has constructed and helped almost 60 temples and has put in lots of great scholars who are well versed in vedams to maintain those temples. Then at that time Sri Sashta Parankusha Yatheendra Maha Desikan who were doing their “Sancharam” visited this village. By knowing the history of this village, HH renovated and reconstructed this village and temple along with constructing “Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Sannathi”, and gave another name as “Narasimha Puram”.  After many rulers and lots of Invaders, these temples were destroyed and only the Ramar temple was left.

This is the birth place of two of the most important Jeeyars of Sri Ahobila Math: the 34th Pontiff Sri Satakopa Ramanuja Yatheendra Mahadesikan and the 42nd Pontiff Sri Sriranga Satakopa Yateendra Mahadesikan.

Later again HH 42nd Azhagiyasingar  of Sri Ahobila Mutt, Sri SriRangaSadagopa Yatendra Mahadesikan renovated the existing temple by constructing new temple for Sri Perundevi Nayika Sameta Sri Varadarajar in 1950s.

With a contended heart & wondering about the mysteries of such Divine Interventions, we returned back home & enroute visited Thennangur temple & Uthiramerur Perumal Temple.